
  1from __future__ import annotations
  3import sys
  4import typing
  5from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Literal
  7if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
  8    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
 10    from typing import TypeAlias
 13    import pandas as pd
 14    import polars as pl
 16from os.path import expanduser
 17from pathlib import Path
 19import pyarrow as pa
 21from ._fastexcel import (
 22    ArrowError,
 23    CalamineCellError,
 24    CalamineError,
 25    CannotRetrieveCellDataError,
 26    ColumnInfo,
 27    ColumnNotFoundError,
 28    FastExcelError,
 29    InvalidParametersError,
 30    SheetNotFoundError,
 31    UnsupportedColumnTypeCombinationError,
 32    __version__,
 33    _ExcelReader,
 34    _ExcelSheet,
 35    _ExcelTable,
 37from ._fastexcel import read_excel as _read_excel
 39DType = Literal["null", "int", "float", "string", "boolean", "datetime", "date", "duration"]
 40DTypeMap: TypeAlias = "dict[str | int, DType]"
 41ColumnNameFrom: TypeAlias = Literal["provided", "looked_up", "generated"]
 42DTypeFrom: TypeAlias = Literal["provided_by_index", "provided_by_name", "guessed"]
 43SheetVisible: TypeAlias = Literal["visible", "hidden", "veryhidden"]
 46def _recordbatch_to_polars(rb: pa.RecordBatch) -> pl.DataFrame:
 47    import polars as pl
 49    df = pl.from_arrow(data=rb)
 50    assert isinstance(df, pl.DataFrame)
 51    return df
 54class ExcelSheet:
 55    """A class representing a single sheet in an Excel File"""
 57    def __init__(self, sheet: _ExcelSheet) -> None:
 58        self._sheet = sheet
 60    @property
 61    def name(self) -> str:
 62        """The name of the sheet"""
 63        return
 65    @property
 66    def width(self) -> int:
 67        """The sheet's width"""
 68        return self._sheet.width
 70    @property
 71    def height(self) -> int:
 72        """The sheet's height, with `skip_rows` and `nrows` applied"""
 73        return self._sheet.height
 75    @property
 76    def total_height(self) -> int:
 77        """The sheet's total height"""
 78        return self._sheet.total_height
 80    @property
 81    def selected_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
 82        """The sheet's selected columns"""
 83        return self._sheet.selected_columns
 85    @property
 86    def available_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
 87        """The columns available for the given sheet"""
 88        return self._sheet.available_columns
 90    @property
 91    def specified_dtypes(self) -> DTypeMap | None:
 92        """The dtypes specified for the sheet"""
 93        return self._sheet.specified_dtypes
 95    @property
 96    def visible(self) -> SheetVisible:
 97        """The visibility of the sheet"""
 98        return self._sheet.visible
100    def to_arrow(self) -> pa.RecordBatch:
101        """Converts the sheet to a pyarrow `RecordBatch`"""
102        return self._sheet.to_arrow()
104    def to_pandas(self) -> "pd.DataFrame":
105        """Converts the sheet to a Pandas `DataFrame`.
107        Requires the `pandas` extra to be installed.
108        """
109        # We know for sure that the sheet will yield exactly one RecordBatch
110        return self.to_arrow().to_pandas()
112    def to_polars(self) -> "pl.DataFrame":
113        """Converts the sheet to a Polars `DataFrame`.
115        Requires the `polars` extra to be installed.
116        """
117        return _recordbatch_to_polars(self.to_arrow())
119    def __repr__(self) -> str:
120        return self._sheet.__repr__()
123class ExcelTable:
124    """A class representing a single table in an Excel file"""
126    def __init__(self, table: _ExcelTable) -> None:
127        self._table = table
129    @property
130    def name(self) -> str:
131        """The name of the table"""
132        return
134    @property
135    def sheet_name(self) -> str:
136        """The name of the sheet this table belongs to"""
137        return self._table.sheet_name
139    @property
140    def width(self) -> int:
141        """The table's width"""
142        return self._table.width
144    @property
145    def height(self) -> int:
146        """The table's height"""
147        return self._table.height
149    @property
150    def total_height(self) -> int:
151        """The table's total height"""
152        return self._table.total_height
154    @property
155    def offset(self) -> int:
156        """The table's offset before data starts"""
157        return self._table.offset
159    @property
160    def selected_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
161        """The table's selected columns"""
162        return self._table.selected_columns
164    @property
165    def available_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
166        """The columns available for the given table"""
167        return self._table.available_columns
169    @property
170    def specified_dtypes(self) -> DTypeMap | None:
171        """The dtypes specified for the table"""
172        return self._table.specified_dtypes
174    def to_arrow(self) -> pa.RecordBatch:
175        """Converts the table to a pyarrow `RecordBatch`"""
176        return self._table.to_arrow()
178    def to_pandas(self) -> "pd.DataFrame":
179        """Converts the table to a Pandas `DataFrame`.
181        Requires the `pandas` extra to be installed.
182        """
183        # We know for sure that the table will yield exactly one RecordBatch
184        return self.to_arrow().to_pandas()
186    def to_polars(self) -> "pl.DataFrame":
187        """Converts the table to a Polars `DataFrame`.
189        Requires the `polars` extra to be installed.
190        """
191        return _recordbatch_to_polars(self.to_arrow())
194class ExcelReader:
195    """A class representing an open Excel file and allowing to read its sheets"""
197    def __init__(self, reader: _ExcelReader) -> None:
198        self._reader = reader
200    @property
201    def sheet_names(self) -> list[str]:
202        """The list of sheet names"""
203        return self._reader.sheet_names
205    def load_sheet(
206        self,
207        idx_or_name: int | str,
208        *,
209        header_row: int | None = 0,
210        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
211        skip_rows: int | None = None,
212        n_rows: int | None = None,
213        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
214        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
215        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
216        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
217    ) -> ExcelSheet:
218        """Loads a sheet lazily by index or name.
220        :param idx_or_name: The index (starting at 0) or the name of the sheet to load.
221        :param header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels, default index is 0.
222                           If `None`, the sheet does not have any column labels.
223                           Any rows before the `header_row` will be automatically skipped.
224        :param column_names: Overrides headers found in the document.
225                             If `column_names` is used, `header_row` will be ignored.
226        :param n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded.
227                       If `None`, all rows are loaded
228        :param skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the `header_row`.
229                          Any rows before the `header_row` are automatically skipped.
230                          If `header_row` is `None`:
231                            - if `skip_rows` is `None` (default): it skips all empty rows
232                            at the beginning of the sheet.
233                            - if `skip_rows` is a number, it skips the specified number
234                            of rows from the start of the sheet.
235        :param schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine
236                                   the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be
237                                   enforced for some or all columns through the `dtypes` parameter.
238                                   If `None`, all rows will be used.
239        :param dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. `coerce` (the default)
240                               will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one,
241                               whereas `strict` will raise an error in case a column contains
242                               several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype
243                               is guessed, i.e. not specified via `dtypes`.
244        :param use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
245                            - `None` to select all columns
246                            - A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices
247                              (starting at 0)
248                            - A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column
249                              ranges (e.g. `“A:E”` or `“A,C,E:F”`, which would result in
250                              `A,B,C,D,E` and `A,C,E,F`)
251                            - A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean
252                              indicating whether the column should be used
253        :param dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns)
254                       or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
255        """
256        return ExcelSheet(
257            self._reader.load_sheet(
258                idx_or_name=idx_or_name,
259                header_row=header_row,
260                column_names=column_names,
261                skip_rows=skip_rows,
262                n_rows=n_rows,
263                schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
264                dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
265                use_columns=use_columns,
266                dtypes=dtypes,
267                eager=False,
268            )
269        )
271    def table_names(self, sheet_name: str | None = None) -> list[str]:
272        """The list of table names.
274        Will return an empty list if no tables are found.
276        :param sheet_name: If given, will limit the list to the given sheet, will be faster
277        too.
278        """
279        return self._reader.table_names(sheet_name)
281    @typing.overload
282    def load_table(
283        self,
284        name: str,
285        *,
286        header_row: int | None = None,
287        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
288        skip_rows: int = 0,
289        n_rows: int | None = None,
290        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
291        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
292        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
293        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
294        eager: Literal[False] = ...,
295    ) -> ExcelTable: ...
296    @typing.overload
297    def load_table(
298        self,
299        name: str,
300        *,
301        header_row: int | None = None,
302        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
303        skip_rows: int = 0,
304        n_rows: int | None = None,
305        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
306        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
307        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
308        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
309        eager: Literal[True] = ...,
310    ) -> pa.RecordBatch: ...
311    def load_table(
312        self,
313        name: str,
314        *,
315        header_row: int | None = None,
316        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
317        skip_rows: int = 0,
318        n_rows: int | None = None,
319        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
320        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
321        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
322        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
323        eager: bool = False,
324    ) -> ExcelTable | pa.RecordBatch:
325        """Loads a table by name.
327        :param name: The name of the table to load.
328        :param header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels.
329                           If `None`, the table's column names will be used.
330                           Any rows before the `header_row` will be automatically skipped.
331        :param column_names: Overrides headers found in the document.
332                             If `column_names` is used, `header_row` will be ignored.
333        :param n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded.
334                       If `None`, all rows are loaded
335        :param skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the `header_row`.
336                          Any rows before the `header_row` are automatically skipped.
337                          If `header_row` is `None`, it skips the number of rows from the
338                          start of the sheet.
339        :param schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine
340                                   the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be
341                                   enforced for some or all columns through the `dtypes` parameter.
342                                   If `None`, all rows will be used.
343        :param dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. `coerce` (the default)
344                               will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one,
345                               whereas `strict` will raise an error in case a column contains
346                               several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype
347                               is guessed, i.e. not specified via `dtypes`.
348        :param use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
349                            - `None` to select all columns
350                            - A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices
351                              (starting at 0)
352                            - A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column
353                              ranges (e.g. `“A:E”` or `“A,C,E:F”`, which would result in
354                              `A,B,C,D,E` and `A,C,E,F`)
355                            - A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean
356                              indicating whether the column should be used
357        :param dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns)
358                       or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
359        """
360        output = self._reader.load_table(  # type:ignore[call-overload,misc]
361            name=name,
362            header_row=header_row,
363            column_names=column_names,
364            skip_rows=skip_rows,
365            n_rows=n_rows,
366            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
367            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
368            use_columns=use_columns,
369            dtypes=dtypes,
370            eager=eager,
371        )
372        if eager:
373            return output
374        return ExcelTable(output)
376    def load_sheet_eager(
377        self,
378        idx_or_name: int | str,
379        *,
380        header_row: int | None = 0,
381        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
382        skip_rows: int | None = None,
383        n_rows: int | None = None,
384        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
385        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
386        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | None = None,
387        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
388    ) -> pa.RecordBatch:
389        """Loads a sheet eagerly by index or name.
391        For xlsx files, this will be faster and more memory-efficient, as it will use
392        `worksheet_range_ref` under the hood, which returns borrowed types.
394        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
395        """
396        return self._reader.load_sheet(
397            idx_or_name=idx_or_name,
398            header_row=header_row,
399            column_names=column_names,
400            skip_rows=skip_rows,
401            n_rows=n_rows,
402            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
403            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
404            use_columns=use_columns,
405            dtypes=dtypes,
406            eager=True,
407        )
409    def load_sheet_by_name(
410        self,
411        name: str,
412        *,
413        header_row: int | None = 0,
414        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
415        skip_rows: int | None = None,
416        n_rows: int | None = None,
417        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
418        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
419        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
420        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
421    ) -> ExcelSheet:
422        """Loads a sheet by name.
424        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
425        """
426        return self.load_sheet(
427            name,
428            header_row=header_row,
429            column_names=column_names,
430            skip_rows=skip_rows,
431            n_rows=n_rows,
432            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
433            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
434            use_columns=use_columns,
435            dtypes=dtypes,
436        )
438    def load_sheet_by_idx(
439        self,
440        idx: int,
441        *,
442        header_row: int | None = 0,
443        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
444        skip_rows: int | None = None,
445        n_rows: int | None = None,
446        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
447        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
448        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
449        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
450    ) -> ExcelSheet:
451        """Loads a sheet by index.
453        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
454        """
455        return self.load_sheet(
456            idx,
457            header_row=header_row,
458            column_names=column_names,
459            skip_rows=skip_rows,
460            n_rows=n_rows,
461            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
462            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
463            use_columns=use_columns,
464            dtypes=dtypes,
465        )
467    def __repr__(self) -> str:
468        return self._reader.__repr__()
471def read_excel(source: Path | str | bytes) -> ExcelReader:
472    """Opens and loads an excel file.
474    :param source: The path to a file or its content as bytes
475    """
476    if isinstance(source, (str, Path)):
477        source = expanduser(source)
478    return ExcelReader(_read_excel(source))
481__all__ = (
482    ## version
483    "__version__",
484    ## main entrypoint
485    "read_excel",
486    ## Python types
487    "DType",
488    "DTypeMap",
489    # Excel reader
490    "ExcelReader",
491    # Excel sheet
492    "ExcelSheet",
493    # Column metadata
494    "DTypeFrom",
495    "ColumnNameFrom",
496    "ColumnInfo",
497    # Exceptions
498    "FastExcelError",
499    "CannotRetrieveCellDataError",
500    "CalamineCellError",
501    "CalamineError",
502    "SheetNotFoundError",
503    "ColumnNotFoundError",
504    "ArrowError",
505    "InvalidParametersError",
506    "UnsupportedColumnTypeCombinationError",
__version__ = '0.12.1'
def read_excel(source: pathlib.Path | str | bytes) -> ExcelReader:
472def read_excel(source: Path | str | bytes) -> ExcelReader:
473    """Opens and loads an excel file.
475    :param source: The path to a file or its content as bytes
476    """
477    if isinstance(source, (str, Path)):
478        source = expanduser(source)
479    return ExcelReader(_read_excel(source))

Opens and loads an excel file.

  • source: The path to a file or its content as bytes
DType = typing.Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration']
DTypeMap: TypeAlias = 'dict[str | int, DType]'
class ExcelReader:
195class ExcelReader:
196    """A class representing an open Excel file and allowing to read its sheets"""
198    def __init__(self, reader: _ExcelReader) -> None:
199        self._reader = reader
201    @property
202    def sheet_names(self) -> list[str]:
203        """The list of sheet names"""
204        return self._reader.sheet_names
206    def load_sheet(
207        self,
208        idx_or_name: int | str,
209        *,
210        header_row: int | None = 0,
211        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
212        skip_rows: int | None = None,
213        n_rows: int | None = None,
214        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
215        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
216        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
217        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
218    ) -> ExcelSheet:
219        """Loads a sheet lazily by index or name.
221        :param idx_or_name: The index (starting at 0) or the name of the sheet to load.
222        :param header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels, default index is 0.
223                           If `None`, the sheet does not have any column labels.
224                           Any rows before the `header_row` will be automatically skipped.
225        :param column_names: Overrides headers found in the document.
226                             If `column_names` is used, `header_row` will be ignored.
227        :param n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded.
228                       If `None`, all rows are loaded
229        :param skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the `header_row`.
230                          Any rows before the `header_row` are automatically skipped.
231                          If `header_row` is `None`:
232                            - if `skip_rows` is `None` (default): it skips all empty rows
233                            at the beginning of the sheet.
234                            - if `skip_rows` is a number, it skips the specified number
235                            of rows from the start of the sheet.
236        :param schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine
237                                   the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be
238                                   enforced for some or all columns through the `dtypes` parameter.
239                                   If `None`, all rows will be used.
240        :param dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. `coerce` (the default)
241                               will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one,
242                               whereas `strict` will raise an error in case a column contains
243                               several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype
244                               is guessed, i.e. not specified via `dtypes`.
245        :param use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
246                            - `None` to select all columns
247                            - A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices
248                              (starting at 0)
249                            - A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column
250                              ranges (e.g. `“A:E”` or `“A,C,E:F”`, which would result in
251                              `A,B,C,D,E` and `A,C,E,F`)
252                            - A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean
253                              indicating whether the column should be used
254        :param dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns)
255                       or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
256        """
257        return ExcelSheet(
258            self._reader.load_sheet(
259                idx_or_name=idx_or_name,
260                header_row=header_row,
261                column_names=column_names,
262                skip_rows=skip_rows,
263                n_rows=n_rows,
264                schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
265                dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
266                use_columns=use_columns,
267                dtypes=dtypes,
268                eager=False,
269            )
270        )
272    def table_names(self, sheet_name: str | None = None) -> list[str]:
273        """The list of table names.
275        Will return an empty list if no tables are found.
277        :param sheet_name: If given, will limit the list to the given sheet, will be faster
278        too.
279        """
280        return self._reader.table_names(sheet_name)
282    @typing.overload
283    def load_table(
284        self,
285        name: str,
286        *,
287        header_row: int | None = None,
288        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
289        skip_rows: int = 0,
290        n_rows: int | None = None,
291        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
292        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
293        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
294        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
295        eager: Literal[False] = ...,
296    ) -> ExcelTable: ...
297    @typing.overload
298    def load_table(
299        self,
300        name: str,
301        *,
302        header_row: int | None = None,
303        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
304        skip_rows: int = 0,
305        n_rows: int | None = None,
306        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
307        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
308        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
309        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
310        eager: Literal[True] = ...,
311    ) -> pa.RecordBatch: ...
312    def load_table(
313        self,
314        name: str,
315        *,
316        header_row: int | None = None,
317        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
318        skip_rows: int = 0,
319        n_rows: int | None = None,
320        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
321        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
322        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
323        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
324        eager: bool = False,
325    ) -> ExcelTable | pa.RecordBatch:
326        """Loads a table by name.
328        :param name: The name of the table to load.
329        :param header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels.
330                           If `None`, the table's column names will be used.
331                           Any rows before the `header_row` will be automatically skipped.
332        :param column_names: Overrides headers found in the document.
333                             If `column_names` is used, `header_row` will be ignored.
334        :param n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded.
335                       If `None`, all rows are loaded
336        :param skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the `header_row`.
337                          Any rows before the `header_row` are automatically skipped.
338                          If `header_row` is `None`, it skips the number of rows from the
339                          start of the sheet.
340        :param schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine
341                                   the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be
342                                   enforced for some or all columns through the `dtypes` parameter.
343                                   If `None`, all rows will be used.
344        :param dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. `coerce` (the default)
345                               will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one,
346                               whereas `strict` will raise an error in case a column contains
347                               several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype
348                               is guessed, i.e. not specified via `dtypes`.
349        :param use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
350                            - `None` to select all columns
351                            - A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices
352                              (starting at 0)
353                            - A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column
354                              ranges (e.g. `“A:E”` or `“A,C,E:F”`, which would result in
355                              `A,B,C,D,E` and `A,C,E,F`)
356                            - A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean
357                              indicating whether the column should be used
358        :param dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns)
359                       or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
360        """
361        output = self._reader.load_table(  # type:ignore[call-overload,misc]
362            name=name,
363            header_row=header_row,
364            column_names=column_names,
365            skip_rows=skip_rows,
366            n_rows=n_rows,
367            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
368            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
369            use_columns=use_columns,
370            dtypes=dtypes,
371            eager=eager,
372        )
373        if eager:
374            return output
375        return ExcelTable(output)
377    def load_sheet_eager(
378        self,
379        idx_or_name: int | str,
380        *,
381        header_row: int | None = 0,
382        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
383        skip_rows: int | None = None,
384        n_rows: int | None = None,
385        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
386        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
387        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | None = None,
388        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
389    ) -> pa.RecordBatch:
390        """Loads a sheet eagerly by index or name.
392        For xlsx files, this will be faster and more memory-efficient, as it will use
393        `worksheet_range_ref` under the hood, which returns borrowed types.
395        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
396        """
397        return self._reader.load_sheet(
398            idx_or_name=idx_or_name,
399            header_row=header_row,
400            column_names=column_names,
401            skip_rows=skip_rows,
402            n_rows=n_rows,
403            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
404            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
405            use_columns=use_columns,
406            dtypes=dtypes,
407            eager=True,
408        )
410    def load_sheet_by_name(
411        self,
412        name: str,
413        *,
414        header_row: int | None = 0,
415        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
416        skip_rows: int | None = None,
417        n_rows: int | None = None,
418        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
419        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
420        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
421        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
422    ) -> ExcelSheet:
423        """Loads a sheet by name.
425        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
426        """
427        return self.load_sheet(
428            name,
429            header_row=header_row,
430            column_names=column_names,
431            skip_rows=skip_rows,
432            n_rows=n_rows,
433            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
434            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
435            use_columns=use_columns,
436            dtypes=dtypes,
437        )
439    def load_sheet_by_idx(
440        self,
441        idx: int,
442        *,
443        header_row: int | None = 0,
444        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
445        skip_rows: int | None = None,
446        n_rows: int | None = None,
447        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
448        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
449        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
450        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
451    ) -> ExcelSheet:
452        """Loads a sheet by index.
454        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
455        """
456        return self.load_sheet(
457            idx,
458            header_row=header_row,
459            column_names=column_names,
460            skip_rows=skip_rows,
461            n_rows=n_rows,
462            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
463            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
464            use_columns=use_columns,
465            dtypes=dtypes,
466        )
468    def __repr__(self) -> str:
469        return self._reader.__repr__()

A class representing an open Excel file and allowing to read its sheets

ExcelReader(reader: _ExcelReader)
198    def __init__(self, reader: _ExcelReader) -> None:
199        self._reader = reader
sheet_names: list[str]
201    @property
202    def sheet_names(self) -> list[str]:
203        """The list of sheet names"""
204        return self._reader.sheet_names

The list of sheet names

def load_sheet( self, idx_or_name: int | str, *, header_row: int | None = 0, column_names: list[str] | None = None, skip_rows: int | None = None, n_rows: int | None = None, schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1000, dtype_coercion: Literal['coerce', 'strict'] = 'coerce', use_columns: Union[list[str], list[int], str, Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool], NoneType] = None, dtypes: Union[Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration'], dict[str | int, Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration']], NoneType] = None) -> ExcelSheet:
206    def load_sheet(
207        self,
208        idx_or_name: int | str,
209        *,
210        header_row: int | None = 0,
211        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
212        skip_rows: int | None = None,
213        n_rows: int | None = None,
214        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
215        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
216        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
217        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
218    ) -> ExcelSheet:
219        """Loads a sheet lazily by index or name.
221        :param idx_or_name: The index (starting at 0) or the name of the sheet to load.
222        :param header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels, default index is 0.
223                           If `None`, the sheet does not have any column labels.
224                           Any rows before the `header_row` will be automatically skipped.
225        :param column_names: Overrides headers found in the document.
226                             If `column_names` is used, `header_row` will be ignored.
227        :param n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded.
228                       If `None`, all rows are loaded
229        :param skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the `header_row`.
230                          Any rows before the `header_row` are automatically skipped.
231                          If `header_row` is `None`:
232                            - if `skip_rows` is `None` (default): it skips all empty rows
233                            at the beginning of the sheet.
234                            - if `skip_rows` is a number, it skips the specified number
235                            of rows from the start of the sheet.
236        :param schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine
237                                   the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be
238                                   enforced for some or all columns through the `dtypes` parameter.
239                                   If `None`, all rows will be used.
240        :param dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. `coerce` (the default)
241                               will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one,
242                               whereas `strict` will raise an error in case a column contains
243                               several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype
244                               is guessed, i.e. not specified via `dtypes`.
245        :param use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
246                            - `None` to select all columns
247                            - A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices
248                              (starting at 0)
249                            - A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column
250                              ranges (e.g. `“A:E”` or `“A,C,E:F”`, which would result in
251                              `A,B,C,D,E` and `A,C,E,F`)
252                            - A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean
253                              indicating whether the column should be used
254        :param dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns)
255                       or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
256        """
257        return ExcelSheet(
258            self._reader.load_sheet(
259                idx_or_name=idx_or_name,
260                header_row=header_row,
261                column_names=column_names,
262                skip_rows=skip_rows,
263                n_rows=n_rows,
264                schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
265                dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
266                use_columns=use_columns,
267                dtypes=dtypes,
268                eager=False,
269            )
270        )

Loads a sheet lazily by index or name.

  • idx_or_name: The index (starting at 0) or the name of the sheet to load.
  • header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels, default index is 0. If None, the sheet does not have any column labels. Any rows before the header_row will be automatically skipped.
  • column_names: Overrides headers found in the document. If column_names is used, header_row will be ignored.
  • n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded. If None, all rows are loaded
  • skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the header_row. Any rows before the header_row are automatically skipped. If header_row is None:
    • if skip_rows is None (default): it skips all empty rows at the beginning of the sheet.
    • if skip_rows is a number, it skips the specified number of rows from the start of the sheet.
  • schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be enforced for some or all columns through the dtypes parameter. If None, all rows will be used.
  • dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. coerce (the default) will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one, whereas strict will raise an error in case a column contains several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype is guessed, i.e. not specified via dtypes.
  • use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
    • None to select all columns
    • A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices (starting at 0)
    • A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column ranges (e.g. “A:E” or “A,C,E:F”, which would result in A,B,C,D,E and A,C,E,F)
    • A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean indicating whether the column should be used
  • dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns) or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
def table_names(self, sheet_name: str | None = None) -> list[str]:
272    def table_names(self, sheet_name: str | None = None) -> list[str]:
273        """The list of table names.
275        Will return an empty list if no tables are found.
277        :param sheet_name: If given, will limit the list to the given sheet, will be faster
278        too.
279        """
280        return self._reader.table_names(sheet_name)

The list of table names.

Will return an empty list if no tables are found.

  • sheet_name: If given, will limit the list to the given sheet, will be faster too.
def load_table( self, name: str, *, header_row: int | None = None, column_names: list[str] | None = None, skip_rows: int = 0, n_rows: int | None = None, schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1000, dtype_coercion: Literal['coerce', 'strict'] = 'coerce', use_columns: Union[list[str], list[int], str, Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool], NoneType] = None, dtypes: Union[Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration'], dict[str | int, Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration']], NoneType] = None, eager: bool = False) -> fastexcel.ExcelTable | pyarrow.lib.RecordBatch:
312    def load_table(
313        self,
314        name: str,
315        *,
316        header_row: int | None = None,
317        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
318        skip_rows: int = 0,
319        n_rows: int | None = None,
320        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
321        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
322        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
323        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
324        eager: bool = False,
325    ) -> ExcelTable | pa.RecordBatch:
326        """Loads a table by name.
328        :param name: The name of the table to load.
329        :param header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels.
330                           If `None`, the table's column names will be used.
331                           Any rows before the `header_row` will be automatically skipped.
332        :param column_names: Overrides headers found in the document.
333                             If `column_names` is used, `header_row` will be ignored.
334        :param n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded.
335                       If `None`, all rows are loaded
336        :param skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the `header_row`.
337                          Any rows before the `header_row` are automatically skipped.
338                          If `header_row` is `None`, it skips the number of rows from the
339                          start of the sheet.
340        :param schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine
341                                   the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be
342                                   enforced for some or all columns through the `dtypes` parameter.
343                                   If `None`, all rows will be used.
344        :param dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. `coerce` (the default)
345                               will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one,
346                               whereas `strict` will raise an error in case a column contains
347                               several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype
348                               is guessed, i.e. not specified via `dtypes`.
349        :param use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
350                            - `None` to select all columns
351                            - A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices
352                              (starting at 0)
353                            - A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column
354                              ranges (e.g. `“A:E”` or `“A,C,E:F”`, which would result in
355                              `A,B,C,D,E` and `A,C,E,F`)
356                            - A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean
357                              indicating whether the column should be used
358        :param dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns)
359                       or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
360        """
361        output = self._reader.load_table(  # type:ignore[call-overload,misc]
362            name=name,
363            header_row=header_row,
364            column_names=column_names,
365            skip_rows=skip_rows,
366            n_rows=n_rows,
367            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
368            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
369            use_columns=use_columns,
370            dtypes=dtypes,
371            eager=eager,
372        )
373        if eager:
374            return output
375        return ExcelTable(output)

Loads a table by name.

  • name: The name of the table to load.
  • header_row: The index of the row containing the column labels. If None, the table's column names will be used. Any rows before the header_row will be automatically skipped.
  • column_names: Overrides headers found in the document. If column_names is used, header_row will be ignored.
  • n_rows: Specifies how many rows should be loaded. If None, all rows are loaded
  • skip_rows: Specifies how many rows should be skipped after the header_row. Any rows before the header_row are automatically skipped. If header_row is None, it skips the number of rows from the start of the sheet.
  • schema_sample_rows: Specifies how many rows should be used to determine the dtype of a column. Cannot be 0. A specific dtype can be enforced for some or all columns through the dtypes parameter. If None, all rows will be used.
  • dtype_coercion: Specifies how type coercion should behave. coerce (the default) will try to coerce different dtypes in a column to the same one, whereas strict will raise an error in case a column contains several dtypes. Note that this only applies to columns whose dtype is guessed, i.e. not specified via dtypes.
  • use_columns: Specifies the columns to use. Can either be:
    • None to select all columns
    • A list of strings and ints, the column names and/or indices (starting at 0)
    • A string, a comma separated list of Excel column letters and column ranges (e.g. “A:E” or “A,C,E:F”, which would result in A,B,C,D,E and A,C,E,F)
    • A callable, a function that takes a column and returns a boolean indicating whether the column should be used
  • dtypes: An optional dtype (for all columns) or dict of dtypes with keys as column indices or names.
def load_sheet_eager( self, idx_or_name: int | str, *, header_row: int | None = 0, column_names: list[str] | None = None, skip_rows: int | None = None, n_rows: int | None = None, schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1000, dtype_coercion: Literal['coerce', 'strict'] = 'coerce', use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | None = None, dtypes: Union[Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration'], dict[str | int, Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration']], NoneType] = None) -> pyarrow.lib.RecordBatch:
377    def load_sheet_eager(
378        self,
379        idx_or_name: int | str,
380        *,
381        header_row: int | None = 0,
382        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
383        skip_rows: int | None = None,
384        n_rows: int | None = None,
385        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
386        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
387        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | None = None,
388        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
389    ) -> pa.RecordBatch:
390        """Loads a sheet eagerly by index or name.
392        For xlsx files, this will be faster and more memory-efficient, as it will use
393        `worksheet_range_ref` under the hood, which returns borrowed types.
395        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
396        """
397        return self._reader.load_sheet(
398            idx_or_name=idx_or_name,
399            header_row=header_row,
400            column_names=column_names,
401            skip_rows=skip_rows,
402            n_rows=n_rows,
403            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
404            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
405            use_columns=use_columns,
406            dtypes=dtypes,
407            eager=True,
408        )

Loads a sheet eagerly by index or name.

For xlsx files, this will be faster and more memory-efficient, as it will use worksheet_range_ref under the hood, which returns borrowed types.

Refer to load_sheet for parameter documentation

def load_sheet_by_name( self, name: str, *, header_row: int | None = 0, column_names: list[str] | None = None, skip_rows: int | None = None, n_rows: int | None = None, schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1000, dtype_coercion: Literal['coerce', 'strict'] = 'coerce', use_columns: Union[list[str], list[int], str, Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool], NoneType] = None, dtypes: Union[Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration'], dict[str | int, Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration']], NoneType] = None) -> ExcelSheet:
410    def load_sheet_by_name(
411        self,
412        name: str,
413        *,
414        header_row: int | None = 0,
415        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
416        skip_rows: int | None = None,
417        n_rows: int | None = None,
418        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
419        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
420        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
421        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
422    ) -> ExcelSheet:
423        """Loads a sheet by name.
425        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
426        """
427        return self.load_sheet(
428            name,
429            header_row=header_row,
430            column_names=column_names,
431            skip_rows=skip_rows,
432            n_rows=n_rows,
433            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
434            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
435            use_columns=use_columns,
436            dtypes=dtypes,
437        )

Loads a sheet by name.

Refer to load_sheet for parameter documentation

def load_sheet_by_idx( self, idx: int, *, header_row: int | None = 0, column_names: list[str] | None = None, skip_rows: int | None = None, n_rows: int | None = None, schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1000, dtype_coercion: Literal['coerce', 'strict'] = 'coerce', use_columns: Union[list[str], list[int], str, Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool], NoneType] = None, dtypes: Union[Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration'], dict[str | int, Literal['null', 'int', 'float', 'string', 'boolean', 'datetime', 'date', 'duration']], NoneType] = None) -> ExcelSheet:
439    def load_sheet_by_idx(
440        self,
441        idx: int,
442        *,
443        header_row: int | None = 0,
444        column_names: list[str] | None = None,
445        skip_rows: int | None = None,
446        n_rows: int | None = None,
447        schema_sample_rows: int | None = 1_000,
448        dtype_coercion: Literal["coerce", "strict"] = "coerce",
449        use_columns: list[str] | list[int] | str | Callable[[ColumnInfo], bool] | None = None,
450        dtypes: DType | DTypeMap | None = None,
451    ) -> ExcelSheet:
452        """Loads a sheet by index.
454        Refer to `load_sheet` for parameter documentation
455        """
456        return self.load_sheet(
457            idx,
458            header_row=header_row,
459            column_names=column_names,
460            skip_rows=skip_rows,
461            n_rows=n_rows,
462            schema_sample_rows=schema_sample_rows,
463            dtype_coercion=dtype_coercion,
464            use_columns=use_columns,
465            dtypes=dtypes,
466        )

Loads a sheet by index.

Refer to load_sheet for parameter documentation

class ExcelSheet:
 55class ExcelSheet:
 56    """A class representing a single sheet in an Excel File"""
 58    def __init__(self, sheet: _ExcelSheet) -> None:
 59        self._sheet = sheet
 61    @property
 62    def name(self) -> str:
 63        """The name of the sheet"""
 64        return
 66    @property
 67    def width(self) -> int:
 68        """The sheet's width"""
 69        return self._sheet.width
 71    @property
 72    def height(self) -> int:
 73        """The sheet's height, with `skip_rows` and `nrows` applied"""
 74        return self._sheet.height
 76    @property
 77    def total_height(self) -> int:
 78        """The sheet's total height"""
 79        return self._sheet.total_height
 81    @property
 82    def selected_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
 83        """The sheet's selected columns"""
 84        return self._sheet.selected_columns
 86    @property
 87    def available_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
 88        """The columns available for the given sheet"""
 89        return self._sheet.available_columns
 91    @property
 92    def specified_dtypes(self) -> DTypeMap | None:
 93        """The dtypes specified for the sheet"""
 94        return self._sheet.specified_dtypes
 96    @property
 97    def visible(self) -> SheetVisible:
 98        """The visibility of the sheet"""
 99        return self._sheet.visible
101    def to_arrow(self) -> pa.RecordBatch:
102        """Converts the sheet to a pyarrow `RecordBatch`"""
103        return self._sheet.to_arrow()
105    def to_pandas(self) -> "pd.DataFrame":
106        """Converts the sheet to a Pandas `DataFrame`.
108        Requires the `pandas` extra to be installed.
109        """
110        # We know for sure that the sheet will yield exactly one RecordBatch
111        return self.to_arrow().to_pandas()
113    def to_polars(self) -> "pl.DataFrame":
114        """Converts the sheet to a Polars `DataFrame`.
116        Requires the `polars` extra to be installed.
117        """
118        return _recordbatch_to_polars(self.to_arrow())
120    def __repr__(self) -> str:
121        return self._sheet.__repr__()

A class representing a single sheet in an Excel File

ExcelSheet(sheet: _ExcelSheet)
58    def __init__(self, sheet: _ExcelSheet) -> None:
59        self._sheet = sheet
name: str
61    @property
62    def name(self) -> str:
63        """The name of the sheet"""
64        return

The name of the sheet

width: int
66    @property
67    def width(self) -> int:
68        """The sheet's width"""
69        return self._sheet.width

The sheet's width

height: int
71    @property
72    def height(self) -> int:
73        """The sheet's height, with `skip_rows` and `nrows` applied"""
74        return self._sheet.height

The sheet's height, with skip_rows and nrows applied

total_height: int
76    @property
77    def total_height(self) -> int:
78        """The sheet's total height"""
79        return self._sheet.total_height

The sheet's total height

selected_columns: list[ColumnInfo]
81    @property
82    def selected_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
83        """The sheet's selected columns"""
84        return self._sheet.selected_columns

The sheet's selected columns

available_columns: list[ColumnInfo]
86    @property
87    def available_columns(self) -> list[ColumnInfo]:
88        """The columns available for the given sheet"""
89        return self._sheet.available_columns

The columns available for the given sheet

specified_dtypes: 'DTypeMap | None'
91    @property
92    def specified_dtypes(self) -> DTypeMap | None:
93        """The dtypes specified for the sheet"""
94        return self._sheet.specified_dtypes

The dtypes specified for the sheet

visible: Literal['visible', 'hidden', 'veryhidden']
96    @property
97    def visible(self) -> SheetVisible:
98        """The visibility of the sheet"""
99        return self._sheet.visible

The visibility of the sheet

def to_arrow(self) -> pyarrow.lib.RecordBatch:
101    def to_arrow(self) -> pa.RecordBatch:
102        """Converts the sheet to a pyarrow `RecordBatch`"""
103        return self._sheet.to_arrow()

Converts the sheet to a pyarrow RecordBatch

def to_pandas(self) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:
105    def to_pandas(self) -> "pd.DataFrame":
106        """Converts the sheet to a Pandas `DataFrame`.
108        Requires the `pandas` extra to be installed.
109        """
110        # We know for sure that the sheet will yield exactly one RecordBatch
111        return self.to_arrow().to_pandas()

Converts the sheet to a Pandas DataFrame.

Requires the pandas extra to be installed.

def to_polars(self) -> polars.dataframe.frame.DataFrame:
113    def to_polars(self) -> "pl.DataFrame":
114        """Converts the sheet to a Polars `DataFrame`.
116        Requires the `polars` extra to be installed.
117        """
118        return _recordbatch_to_polars(self.to_arrow())

Converts the sheet to a Polars DataFrame.

Requires the polars extra to be installed.

DTypeFrom: TypeAlias = Literal['provided_by_index', 'provided_by_name', 'guessed']
ColumnNameFrom: TypeAlias = Literal['provided', 'looked_up', 'generated']
class ColumnInfo:

This class provides information about a single column in a sheet


fastexcel.DType. The dtype of the column


int. The index of the column


str. The name of the column


fastexcel.ColumnNameFrom. How the name of the column was determined.

One of three possible values:

  • "provided": The column name was provided via the use_columns parameter
  • "looked_up": The column name was looked up from the data found in the sheet
  • "generated": The column name was generated from the column index, either because header_row was None, or because it could not be looked up

fastexcel.DTypeFrom. How the dtype of the column was determined.

One of three possible values:

  • "provided_by_index": The dtype was specified via the column index
  • "provided_by_name": The dtype was specified via the column name
  • "guessed": The dtype was determined from the content of the column
class FastExcelError(builtins.Exception):

The base class for all fastexcel errors

class CannotRetrieveCellDataError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Data for a given cell cannot be retrieved

class CalamineCellError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

calamine returned an error regarding the content of the cell

class CalamineError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Generic calamine error

class SheetNotFoundError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Sheet was not found

class ColumnNotFoundError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Column was not found

class ArrowError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Generic arrow error

class InvalidParametersError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Provided parameters are invalid

class UnsupportedColumnTypeCombinationError(fastexcel.FastExcelError):

Column contains an unsupported type combination